Noah Robertson - Brand Entrepreneur

In this episode I sit down with Noah Robertson, aka Scribe 2. I first met Noah when I moved to the area, and he was the National Sales Manager at Cloudveil. New to the area I remember being blown away by Cloudveil at the time, the product, the people and
In this episode I sit down with Noah Robertson, aka Scribe 2. I first met Noah when I moved to the area, and he was the National Sales Manager at Cloudveil. New to the area I remember being blown away by Cloudveil at the time, the product, the people and entrepreneurship. Noah moved on from Cloudveil to become the National Sales Manager at Mamut and was focused on bringing and expanding the brand to the US. In 2004 Noah returned to JH and co-founded Mountain Khakis. I remember vividly sitting in Noah’s tiny office at that time thinking “you’re going to build pants?” 15 years later all you had to do was walk down the street in JH and you could see the MK catalog on display real time, and I always took notice in airports when I would see the brand and smile.
Noah is currently the Chief Brand Officer for the iconic Mangy Moose and is developing a consumer products strategy that celebrates the historic nature of the culture the institution has provided throughout the years. Additionally, Noah co-founded N&N Collaborative, the other N being Ned Hutchinson aka the Kraken, a consulting business focusing on the outdoor industry consumer channels, product design, supply chain development, branding and sales and marketing strategy, driven by 50+ years of experience. I have always admired Noah as a colleague, friend and parent and have been fortunate enough to be the beneficiary of his wisdom throughout the years and embark on outdoor adventures together. Noah currently resides in Jackson hole, WY with his wonderful family, his wife Amanda, daughter Addie and son Ru, when they are home from school. Without further adieu, please welcome Noah Robertson to the show.
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