Dan Oas - A Deep Rooted Passion

In this episode I sit down with Dan Oas and we discuss "The Day" in the Seychelles, trying to get to Smithers, Team USA Fly Fishing and Dan's current role as the development associate at Teton Youth & Family Services.
In this episode I sit down with Dan Oas, and we discuss "The Day" in the Seychelles, trying to get to Smithers, Team USA Fly Fishing and Dan's current role as the development associate at Teton Youth & Family Services. Dan is from Manchester, NH (live free or die) and attended St. Lawrence University and graduated with a B.A. in English Writing and Fine Arts and recently received a Master of Public Administration from St. Mary’s University of MN in 2020. After graduating from St. Lawrence University in 2000 Dan moved to Jackson to pursue a career in Fly Fishing. We missed each other by a year at St. Lawrence, but we would eventually meet each other out here in 2001 when we started working together.
In 2004 Dan would become the first fishing guide in the Seychelles from the US where he would end up spending 4 years before coming back to the states for good. In addition to being a highly sought-after guide in the WY/ID region Dan also worked as a fishing guide in UT before the season kicked off around here. Dan was also a member of the US Fly fishing team for 6 years. Eventually Dan left his career in the fly-fishing world in the rearview but that was when his personal fishing started to skyrocket. Almost as if he could no longer walk the delicate line between a deep-rooted passion being mixed with a profession, not entirely sure but we will find out. Simply put, Dan Oas is on a different level than most when it comes to trout fishing, intuitively and technically and his fly tying is a whole other level. Dan was a member of the winning team of the Jackson Hole One Fly in 2021.
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