Aug. 11, 2023

Boots Allen - 3rd Generation Fly Fishing Guide

Boots Allen - 3rd Generation Fly Fishing Guide

In this episode I sit down with Boots Allen. Boots is a third generation fly fishing guide who each year guides 130-plus day on the waters of the Greater Yellowstone area.  He is the author of numerous publications including Modern Trout Fishing (Lyons Press) and Catching Trout in All Conditions (Graphic Arts Books) and top finisher in numerous fly fishing tournaments and contests over the years.  Boots also hosts trips to destination lodges in South America, the Caribbean,  the Pacific, and gives talks at fly fishing events throughout the country.  His popular fly patterns are available through Montana Fly Company.  In addition to his guiding Boots is also the Advocacy and Outreach Coordinator at the Snake River Fund a fund whose mission is to promote stewardship of and recreational access to the Snake River Watershed in WY with an emphasis on partnerships education and public outreach.  Boots is an amazingly well respected guide, father and husband and currently lives in Victor ID.  Without Further adieu please welcome Boots to the show!!

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